Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dissecting Transference and Countertransference Essay

Transference and countertransference are feelings towards an individual which are brought about by past experiences and relationships.   These feelings occur unconsciously and can be positive or negative in nature. Transference is often carried by the patient into the clinician-patient relationship as brought about by their history with past figures of authority in their lives. (Pearson, 2001) For example, a patient may perceive the clinician to be similar to his or her mother and as such views them as a nurturing figure whom he or she then strives hard to please. Countertransference, in the medical setting, is brought by the clinician and is usually seen in his or her negative feelings towards the patient again as a result of previous experiences he or she had early on in life. (Pearson, 2001) The effects of those previous experiences are triggered by the clincian’s encounter with the patient. For example, a clinician might be more caring and compassionate towards a patient that reminds him or her of his or her grandparents thus invoking similar filial emotions for the patient. The concepts of transference and countertransference were first described by Sigmund Freud as emotions patients and doctors projected on each other, which had come from past experiences.   The two terms are used frequently in psychoanalytical literature and occur in many instances of psychoanalytic treatment. The role projection plays on both transference and countertransference was emphasized not only by Freud but also by many other members of the medical community. Projection takes place more often in clinician-patient relationships than in other settings. The definition of projection as a means of adaptation and communication, a form of defense mechanism by the individual, provides insight to its frequency in medical settings. (Waska, 1999) The patient faced with his or her illness and the clinician faced with the task of aiding the patient may revert to projection in order to cope with their different tasks. Therefore, transference and countertransference occur as an aftermath of the dynamics of the said projection as well as of the initial relationship between the patient and the clinician. (Waska, 1999) In physical therapy, patient therapist relationships are important factors in the rehabilitation process.   Therapists need to be effective communicators and develop rapports with patients that facilitate trust, compliance, and comfort.   A patient who projects unconsciously past experiences into their new and present reality can create a barrier in the relationship and hinder their progress. Transference and countertransference brought about by these projections are the most direct causes for the communication barriers – barriers that can lead to detrimental and even fatal results in the patient’s treatment. These work through mechanisms produced through positive feelings, such as a patient who sees the therapist as a nurturer figure and tries to please the therapist and therefore does not disclose functional deficits, which are not improving, and report only positive.   Negative feelings can also create a barrier in that the patient becomes hostile or resistive toward the therapist’s suggestions and plans. (Pearson, 2001) The maladaptive effects of transference and countertransference may be lessened by a conscious effort on the part of the clinician as well as of the patient. Both must strive to understand the dynamics of their relationship. The clinician must be able to provide insights into his or her true character and thus help the patient resolve distortions brought about by transference. The clinician must also actively acknowledge the underlying needs posed by the patient’s transference as well as actively respond to his or her own projection and countertransference. (Pearson, 2001; Waska, 1999) Studies continue to explore the possibilities of using the mechanisms of transference and countertransference to make medical relationships more effective in aiding treatment. References Pearson, L. (2001). The clinician-patient experience: understanding transference and countertransference. Nurse Practitioner, Retrieved 06 February 2008 from Waska, R. T. (1999). Projective identification, countertransference, and the struggle for understanding over acting out. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 8, 155-161

Friday, August 30, 2019

Fredrick Jackson Turner Seminar

Frederick Jackson Turner, â€Å"The Significance of the Frontier in American History,† Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1893. CONTENT: Turner’s article overviews the American past as it were in a transition period of expanding west. He reviews the significance of this move and evaluates the various results of the expansion on different groups in America. THESIS: The expansion resulted in crucial advancements/ building blocks for American society as it created significant economic, social, and culture transformations; although this period eventually ended. THEMES: . Although Indians played a large part in assisting Americans find/ inhabit new land, many were not treated with peace and respect as the white man instead on remaining as the dominant power. While the Indians showed Americans the way (literally), Americans ungratefully followed. 2. As New England was strong on maintaining their religious values, they made sure to carry their sa me ideas west. Therefore, the western frontier was built with a strong influence of religion from the east. 3. Because of the continuous expansion, American gov’t buckled down and held stronger regulations and rules.Following the Louisiana Purchase, that area was proclaimed land where there could be national jurisdiction and must obey the constitution. The idea to spread land throughout the Union states had been suggested but President Johnson rejected the idea. REACTION: Although Turner’s paper was informative, I feel that it could have been better synthesized still make the same point. HISTORIOGRAPHY: Progressive School— The paper covers the crucial aspect of the evolution of the American people during the expansion and the various hurdles that they had to overcome.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Creativity, Play and Learning (Arts in Early Childhood Education) Personal Statement

Creativity, Play and Learning (Arts in Early Childhood Education) - Personal Statement Example The teacher gave me extra lessons outside class, allowed me to keep my work safe in his office and provided me with the right kind of pencils, brushes and colours. The completed work was quite remarkable on its own right, though fidelity to the original work was questionable. When I look back to this incident, I feel that the teacher had in fact gone out of his way to accommodate my need for artistic expression. During that period, he was the most accessible person to me – through every act of understanding and kindness he displayed. Another experience made me feel on the contrary, as my teacher did something uncharacteristic of him. In one of his classes, he asked us to draw outline pictures of a building. I happened to sit with a close friend of mine who could only draw one-dimensional picture. I felt I could help him produce a better work and tried to explain to him some techniques of creating a two or three dimensional effect. My teacher considered this as a distraction and raised his voice – asking me to focus on my work and to let my friend focus on his work. He needed finished works by the end of the class. I felt restricted and uneasy about this, and found that it had a totally negative impact on my own work during that class. The idea of following strict rules during a creative endeavor disheartened

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Zoning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Zoning - Essay Example New York City adopted the first zoning regulations to apply city-wide in 1916 as a reaction to construction of The Equitable Building (which still stands at 120 Broadway). The building towered over the neighboring residences and cast long shadows that diminished the quality of life for the people in the affected area. These laws written by a commission headed by Edward Basset and signed by Mayor John Purroy Mitchel became the blueprint for the rest of the country (partly because Edward Basset headed the group of planning laws that wrote The Standard State Zoning Enabling Act, which was accepted almost without change by most states) and by the late 1920s most of the nation would have developed a set of zoning regulations that met the needs of the locality. New York went on to develop ever more complex set of zoning regulations, including floor area ratio regulations, air rights and others according to the density-specific needs of the neighborhoods ( Among large cities in the United States, Houston, Texas is unique in having no zoning ordinance. Houston voters have rejected efforts to implement zoning in 1948, 1962 and 1993. Thus Houston continues to be the largest city in the U.S. with no zoning. Specific zoning laws have been overturned in some other U.S. cases where the laws were not applied evenly (violating equal protection) or were considered to violate free speech.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The First Arab-Israeli War and the Palestinian Refugee Problem Essay

The First Arab-Israeli War and the Palestinian Refugee Problem - Essay Example After American abandonment of Israel, a Jewish state in the midst of Arab and Palestinian enemies, I agree with you in claiming it was inevitable for Israel to militarize in order to realize and sustain their interests in the Middle East. Finally, even though Israel had to militarize fast, the motive of partitioning remains unknown, and I agree when you claim the war resulted from a multiplicity of factors at local, national, and international levels. For many years, the Middle East has been a region of frequent conflicts, and even today violence beginning with the Arab revolution spread throughout the region with unimaginable consequences of their social, political, economic, and cultural organization. Many wars in the Middle East could be avoided, but local, national, regional and international interests make war inevitable, and I agree when you employ this applies to the first Arab-Israeli War. It is true Palestinians were ill prepared for the war and these questions the motives for the war. I believe the war resulted from differences between Britain and America over the fate of the Middle East. Considering the arms embargo, America’s abandonment of Israel, and disunity between Arab countries about the Palestinian crisis, I agree when you claim Britain, America, and Arab countries were concerned about gaining territorial possessions than they were about the crisis in Palestine. Therefore, the fate of Palestine was influe nced by the interplay between various factors.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Media production Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Media production - Essay Example The film opens with a school boy, Shaun, starting a fight after one of his classmates, Havey, jokingly hurls an insult. Harvey annoys Shaun by insulting his father who had earlier passed on during the Falklands war. Shaun later leaves school and meets a group of skinheads among them Woody who pities Shaun and welcomes him to join in the crew. With time, Shaun finds comfort under the umbrella of this crew after Woody offers him a shoulder to rely on. A striking feature among the group is the only black skinhead, Milky, who seems quite pleased to share with the group despite all the others being white. As the film advances, more characters such as Meggy, Trevy, Smell, Kes, Kelly and Woody’s girlfriend Lol are revealed as members of the group (Meadows, 2006, Para. 1-2). An old skinhead member of the gang, Combo, has just completed a jail sentence and returns to the group with a new member, Banjo. Combo, a rather transparent character, expresses the differences between English nat ionalists and the racists as a way of inspiring leadership within the group. Resultantly, the group breaks into two and Shaun is attracted into Combo’s group as he regards Combo as an image of change and a mentor. Together with Combo, they attend meetings that are meant to sensitize the whites against the existing prejudice. Those who are opposed to the political ambition of this group, like Pukey, are rejected by the group (Fradley, 2006, para 5). As the group wages a war against racism, they have a chance to face harsh members of the nation such as the likes of Mr Sandhu who had warned Shaun against visiting his shop. This war against racism marks the climax of the film as the members of the Combo’s group fly the flag of change high despite Woody’s group remaining apolitical. At the denouement of the film, Combo suffers from depression after his old love, Lol, turns him down at such a critical time. To cure his stress, he buys bhang from Milky and they both pa rty under intoxication and learn more about one another. When Combo learns that Milky has a rich background, he develops bitterness and beats Milky to a coma when he invites him for a family gathering. The sense of guilt wears Combo up and he resolves in violence and fights his friends including Banjo and Meggy. As he and Shaun drag Milky to hospital, they lose their calmness and cannot avoid crying out of fear (Ferreira, 2000, para 1). Later, the camera catches up with Shaun as he laments over the whole experience and his Mother, Cynthia is the only icon of hope as she assures him that Milky will recover. As the film ends, the disappointed face of Shaun cannot be mistaken as he roams near the Sea beach where he throws the Saint George flag. Themes In the film â€Å"This is England† a number of themes are well pronounced by the vivid and lively coverage of the various scenes in the film. The main theme of this film is cultural bias or racism as pointed out by its main charact ers. The antagonist of this film is Combo as he organizes a gang that would fight against the racial prejudice that is exhibited by characters like Mr Sandhu who denies Shaun the right to buy in his shop. The words of Combo â€Å"this is England†

Sunday, August 25, 2019

What is at stake in the call to decolonize IR What difference would it Essay

What is at stake in the call to decolonize IR What difference would it make, if any, to how we make sense of the international theoretically - Essay Example Further, this field has been dominated by Anglo-American scholars, and to this extent it has ignored much of the rest of the world. Thus, the field of International Relations has largely been reduced into western imperialism, and the international interest for global powers has effectively become the foundation of the world order. It is against this background that the creation of a new world order in the 21st century becomes a subject of interest, which can barely be achieved without first decolonizing International Relations (Tickner, 2003:297). Despite the fact that globalization has come as an avenue through which a new world order can be created, the long-past against which the previous and the current world order is built has hindered this transformation. Thus, International Relations, which has largely ignored the fundamental questions of dispossession, racism, colonialism and slavery serves as a major impediment to the achievement of the new world order (Krishna, 2001:407). Therefore, there is no vital time in the history of the world to address the decolonization of International Relations, than presently. The call to decolonize International Relations emanate from the need to address the historical background that led to the development of the current world order, which has completely been ignored by the International Relations discipline (Shohat, 1992:102). The apparent definition of the historical background of colonialism and dispossession that led to the current world order as a taboo by the discipline of IR has raised sufficient ground for understanding the unwillingness of the west to address the issue of colonialism, slavery racism and imperialism, which led to the development of a world order where some nations are powerful, wealthy and developed than others (Barkawi, 2010:1365). Therefore, the decolonization of IR would majorly seek to create a ground for focusing on such historical backgrounds, so that the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Adamsrill Primary School Single Equality policy Essay

Adamsrill Primary School Single Equality policy - Essay Example Unlike the Equality Act, the single equality policy requires schools to go beyond aspects of race, disability and gender to include sexual orientation, age, and belief or religion, when propagating equality. I believe the single equality policy at Adamsrill primary School is committed to serving the school community’s educational needs especially through protecting equal opportunities, cultivating good relations and eradicating unwarranted discrimination (Adamsrill single equality policy n.d, p.1). As a diverse school, I understand Adamsrill needs to cultivate a culture of value in diversity where discrimination is eliminated, equality propagated and good relations fostered. The culture of value in diversity offers a wonderful experience to students, staff and visitors each day. Through a strong leadership team, I believe monitoring and reviewing the inequality practices regularly will enable Adamsrill to accommodate changes to its profile (Adamsrill single equality policy n.d , p.1). By enrolling students from numerous backgrounds, the enrollment of any new student could result to significant changes in school profile. In my view, Adamsrill Primary School’s efforts to ensure that equal opportunities are available to the entire school community are evident in the school’s mission to provide services without considerations for race, faith, religion, disability, socio-economic background or gender (Adamsrill single equality policy n.d, p.1). I believe that this is a good way to promote an inclusion and diversity culture that every stakeholder takes pride in and motivation to fully participate effectively in all school activities. Adamsrill’s Primary also offers inclusive teaching and uses different attributes of students to assess their performance while the data is used to raise the teaching standards (Adamsrill single equality policy n.d, p.2). Some aspects considered in inclusive teaching are race, gender, age, disability and special educational needs and free school meals. Adamsrill School’s discipline among students is also inclusive as discrimination of any kind is harshly challenged while respect for all is propagated. Students are also made to understand that diversity is strength to be celebrated by all. Each stakeholder at Adamsrill Primary School is required to understand their roles and responsibility in promoting equality (Adamsrill single equality policy n.d, p.2). The governing body identifies equality barriers and sets objectives to address them and also monitors efficiency in the attainment of equality objectives and then publishes review results. Students are the major source of information during equality monitoring progress and the collected information includes exclusions, harassment or bullying complaints and others (Adamsrill single equality policy n.d, p.2). The headteacher is responsible for endorsing the Equality message to the staff, pupils and parents. Background for the text in which the Single Equality Policy is embedded in wider social and policy discourses Educational policy in the UK after the Second World War is divided into welfarism and post-welfarism (Morgan and Williamson 2008, p.16). Welfarism began from 1944 to the late 1980s when the Education Act 1944 was designed with the aim of providing education to all especially those who could not access it previously like the minority groups. Like Bowe, Ball & Gold (1992, p.6), I realize that there was too much control over what was to be taught and how teaching would take place and there was over-commitment to the provision of equal opportuniti

Friday, August 23, 2019

Company Promotion Policies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Company Promotion Policies - Research Paper Example On the other hand, Alex the person who got promoted is an Anglo with a graduate degree but he has less experience with the company as well as in the position. However, he has left a positive impact on his evaluators and he is considered to be â€Å"up and comer.† Maria claims being discriminated because of her ethnic background as well as being the only woman in the department. She has concerns that her evaluations have been biased because all her supervisors are White males apart from the fact that her supervisor told her that she was not being promoted because of her accent and the clients would have problems in understanding her accent. Maria claims that the company is discriminating and is being unfair. If we look at the argument from the company’s perspective, they believe that Maria is a good employee; however, she is loud and aggressive at time in her contact with co-workers and supervisors. Moreover, she has had punctuality issues twice in the past and she gives family problems as the causes. She says that her family needed her help and support and it was her duty to do so. With regard to the accent, it was also cleared out that it was not the company was discriminating her accent, although it was a major consideration. However, it was pointed out that Maria speaks very rapidly and because of her accent, it becomes impossible to understand anything she said. The company says that communication is a very important part of that job description and hence, it cannot be overlooked. We need to first understand discrimination before we can provide any ruling regarding the company’s promotion policy. We can define discrimination as the bias in treatment that exists towards a certain race, color, sex, nationality. Another explanation of discrimination can be the improper treatment based on unjustified factors. Racial discrimination occurs when a member of one racial group is treated favorably as compared to the member of another